Title (<title>)

when to use 

Each page on a website should have one descriptive title that is set using the <title> element. 1


  • The page title is the first thing a screen reader announces, so it is important to assistive technology users.
  • Each title should be unique inside your website. 1
  • The title should identify the subject or the primary purpose of the page and be short and concise. 1
  • The title must make sense when read out of context, for example in a site map or list of search results. 1
  • You can use the same text for the <h1> element and the page title. Optionally you can append the website name after the headline text. 1
  • The title should not contain special characters that may cause weird announcements.


  1. W3C WAI: Providing descriptive titles for Web pages by Accessibility Guidelines Working Group (AG WG) Participants is licensed under W3C Document License
  2. A11Y Project: Heading Structure by Rian Rietveld is licensed under APACHE LICENSE, VERSION 2.0
Created at: 28.05.2023, Last updated at: 24.06.2023